Sunday, February 28, 2010

Blog Stage Three

Analysis: Untruths have consequences in Politics

Ron Fournier is the acting bureau chief for the Associated Press formally working as the AP’s chief political writer and online political editor. His background is extensive in the field of politics and, at one point in 2006, was asked to fill an “advisory role” in communications for John McCains presidential campaign. Ron Fournier is a knowledgeable and well respected individual in his field.(source:

Recently Ron Fournier wrote the Opinion Article Analysis: Untruths have Consequences in Politics for the Associated Press on Sat, Feb 20th, 2010. (source: The main portion of the article written discusses Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney and the truth, or lack there of, in several speeches given recently including highlights of a speech given this week at the Conservative Political Action Conference

The target audience upon first reading felt aimed at democrats as it had a majority of the article dedicated to a Republican who is a possible candidate for a presidential run in 2012 but upon further analysis the article appeals to all voters as a whole.

The articles main focus is on a speech given by Mitt Romney at the Conservative Political Action Conference this week. The author felt that the speech was filled with incorrect factual information when Mitt Romney was addressing Democrats and their political figureheads. The article, though, I feel lacks any concrete scientific data. Most of the bullet points brought up by the author can be viewed as being subjective or his interpretation of the points that Mitt Romney was trying to make. To combat this, the author could of included specific quotes by Mitt Romney or specific dates and events to back up his evidence or opinion that Mitt Romney was incorrect in the information he was disseminating during his speech. These items would of helped in a better side by side comparison on the search for the “real truth”.

Unfortunately, even though Mitt Romney is a large portion of the article, I believe the point of the article is to point out the inconsistencies that all politicians in todays current political climate are committing.

Ron Fournier stated, in reference to the inconsistencies of politicians the following:

Such distortion and dishonesty cause Americans to be increasingly skeptical of — even cynical about — their political institutions and leaders. Once people lose faith in the political system, they're less likely to vote, less willing to pay taxes to support government-run programs, less motivated to run for office themselves and — sociologists say — they're even less likely to get involved in their own communities.”

This statement captures my feeling and the feeling of other voters perfectly. This article does not point out the incorrect factual information that Mitt Romney gave but it is using Mitt Romeny as an example of politicians overall that are in power right now in Washington, DC. It does not matter if the politician is a Republican or Democrat but all politicians are the same and we are given a choice between the better of “two evils” and, in this instance, I believe the article is successful in proving its point to the reader.


Blog Stage Three: Substantial commentary or criticism #1
Stage Three: Critique an editorial or commentary from a national newspaper

Deadline: March 1, 2010

Write a substantial (250-500 words) critique of an editorial or commentary (NOT a pure news article, but an article where the author is making an argument) about U.S. national government from the opinion/editorial/commentary section of one of the national newspapers listed in the suggested sources. Provide an embedded link to the work you are critiquing. Evaluate the author’s intended audience, the author’s credibility, and their argument (including their claim, evidence, and logic). You may agree or disagree with the author. A guide to critical thinking is available under the Handouts link in Blackboard. Post your critique to your blog.

Send me the direct link to the post you’ve written (not a general link to your blog) using Blackboard’s Assignment feature before the deadline.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Blog Stage Two

Health Care Reform

Currently our nations elected officials are in the midst of a battle over the reform of the nations health care system. Bills containing two different versions of health care reform has passed both the houses of congress but were mainly created and passed along partisan lines. If health care reform is not passed then this country will face even more woes then those if the bills do pass.

Health care spending hit over $2.5 trillion alone last year while growing faster a share of the economy then any other time in half a century. If a health care reform is not pushed forward these numbers will become unchecked and continue their spiral climb. Medical costs are rising in this weak economy causing healthy people to drop coverage causing rates to increase for those left on the plans.

If no bill is passed “More employers will drop coverage. More consumers will get increased co-payments and deductibles,” said Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. By 2019, it is estimated the number of uninsured will rise to 54 million americans. Insurers would be able to continue to deny coverage individuals with medical problems or drastically increase their premiums. Something needs to be done. A something is better then a nothing which is what we are currently facing.

This article and the passage of some version of health care reform is important to every citizen of this nation. Health care is a bipartisan issue affecting everyone. It is time for the parties to put aside their differences and come together. The two parties have in the past united to pass important pieces of legislation such as the Civil Rights. Its time for them to unite once again. Health Care reform is also a set up for the future as both parties face other large bipartisan issues such as Social Security and Immigration.

Source Article:

Fox News: Failure of Health Care Overhaul Will Add More Woes

Monday, February 1, 2010

Participation Topic # 1 - Discussion Board

Against Direct Electronic Democracy

With the rapid advancement in technology now being incorporated into every aspect of our lives, it now raises the question as to how, or if, it will be integrated into the governmental system that has been in place since the foundation of our nation. The question arises with the technological advances mankind has achieved, should we move towards a more direct electronic form of democracy? For myself, I believe that our nation is not yet ready to advance to this state.

Our forefathers had in the insight to set up a representative democracy that has generally worked through the years. With the two party system in place, it forces our representatives to in-compass the large majority of the bell-curve that are the individuals they represent. Our representatives are able to funnel through the voices and help focus and direct our governments attention to the most pressing issues that we face. In a direct democracy our government would come to a crawl or standstill due to the need to address every individuals voice and concerns. Also, a representative is able to help protect the minority while a direct democracy may lead to a demagoguery. (source:

With the current system, there is fraud and corruption but it is limited in scope and is considered controlled. In an electronic system the ability to commit fraud and corruption has been simplified. Proponents of a new electronic system sometimes state it will be more cost effective but the government has a proven record of projects running well over costs and projects. A direct democracy will become a large "....referendum which is slow and expensive, and can result in public apathy and fatigue." (source:

Lastly, with an electronic form of direct democracy brings a new way for the general public to become part of the system. Several generations of Americans have not grown up around technology and may have their voices lost due to inability to participate in a system they are unfamiliar with or being leery of a different system. It is the post Generation X crowd, the Millennias, that thrive on the advances of the electronic age that utilize the system to its full potential that will be the greatest success story once they come of age and replace the older generations.

Prior to the question being asked "Should the United States adopt an electronic direct democracy" I was ill informed on the subject. After looking at the many available sources of statistical information and studies, I have concluded that at the current time the United States is not yet ready to make this transition and adopt this modification to our current government.