Monday, February 15, 2010

Blog Stage Two

Health Care Reform

Currently our nations elected officials are in the midst of a battle over the reform of the nations health care system. Bills containing two different versions of health care reform has passed both the houses of congress but were mainly created and passed along partisan lines. If health care reform is not passed then this country will face even more woes then those if the bills do pass.

Health care spending hit over $2.5 trillion alone last year while growing faster a share of the economy then any other time in half a century. If a health care reform is not pushed forward these numbers will become unchecked and continue their spiral climb. Medical costs are rising in this weak economy causing healthy people to drop coverage causing rates to increase for those left on the plans.

If no bill is passed “More employers will drop coverage. More consumers will get increased co-payments and deductibles,” said Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. By 2019, it is estimated the number of uninsured will rise to 54 million americans. Insurers would be able to continue to deny coverage individuals with medical problems or drastically increase their premiums. Something needs to be done. A something is better then a nothing which is what we are currently facing.

This article and the passage of some version of health care reform is important to every citizen of this nation. Health care is a bipartisan issue affecting everyone. It is time for the parties to put aside their differences and come together. The two parties have in the past united to pass important pieces of legislation such as the Civil Rights. Its time for them to unite once again. Health Care reform is also a set up for the future as both parties face other large bipartisan issues such as Social Security and Immigration.

Source Article:

Fox News: Failure of Health Care Overhaul Will Add More Woes

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