Monday, April 5, 2010

Blog Stage Five

New Abortion Laws in Ohio by Scott Cameron

Imagine. You are hungry and so you enter a restaurant to have a cheeseburger. After you place an order you are escorted outside where you are forced against your choice and will to first met and become familiar with the cow you are about to digest in the burger. You ask why you have to do this. The reply of the staff state it is now policy due to a change in law that granted an interest group, Vegans, power over and control of a portion of your civil liberties and privacy.

Sound like a far fetched idea? In the state of Ohio it can soon may become a reality. Recently a series of laws were passed dealing with the issue of abortion with some of those laws as intrusive and trampling of your personal freedoms as the idea posed involving the vegan group. In one instance, before you receive an abortion you are required to undergo an ultrasound and listen to the heartbeat of the unborn fetus.

The founding fathers of our nation based the development of this country on the idea of the Law of Nature by Locke. The belief is that everyone has a law of reason in which individuals will reframe from causing harm to another individuals own life, liberty, or property. Locke also was strong in the separation of the church and state. In this nation, with its founding, some rights are extended to the government for protection of others and to prevent the rule of the tyranny of the majority/minority over others as laws passed for a special interest or group may be good for one but not the other and the focus is of the greater good of the nation and its citizens.

In the instance of Ohio the law of nature and the position of the government in those citizens life have failed. The rule of a special interest group has overruled and infringed upon the rights and liberties of another group of individuals. The law makers that passed this law were influenced upon their own beliefs with many coming from their religious beliefs and passed the law due to personal interest over the interests of their constituents and the better of the nation.

I see the future. When you go to use a piece of paper you must first be escorted outside where you sit under the shade of a tree and look at it five minutes prior to your use of paper to appease new laws passed in the interest of environmental groups concerned with the life and death of plant life in the world. This future is the direction this nation is heading thanks, in part, to the recent law passed by Ohio and the framework it has provided for future laws to deprive individuals of their liberties and rights.

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