Friday, September 17, 2010

Blog Stage Two

"Austin Grocer Unhappy Her Story is in Perry Ad"

On September 15th, 2010 The American-Stateman published an article by Brian Gaar titled"Austin Grocer Unhappy Her Story is in Perry Ad." The article revolved around citizen Peg McCoy who was displeased to find that her store, Farm to Market Grocery Store, was featured in an ad by Rick Perry who is currently running for re-election for governor of the state of Texas. The issue lies within the fact her store logo was used within the ad without permission. The citizen requested her store be removed from future advertisements which the campaign committee for Rick Perry has failed to do. They stand by the use that the use of the logo was due to public domain; video was shot from a public sidewalk therefore it is allowed for public use.

This argument and the use of the logo because it is seen in public domain disturbs me greatly. I work for several non-profit groups and prior to any published media or documentation we search out and receive permission (or are denied) by all individuals involved including business and locations. This store, used in the Rick Perry ad, now looks to the observer as if they are endorsing the candidate or were recipients of the policies put into effect by the governor. The use of “public domain” is disturbing. What if I am just walking along a sidewalk and a camera crew films me then slaps me in a commercial talking about how common men support Rick Perry? It now will look, to the observer that I support Rick Perry due to the ad.

I feel this article is deserving of the attention of other readers as it provides an insight into how a political campaign works. It reminds the readers that, in the world of politics, do not take everything for face value and tat there might be another side to each story presented.

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